Sunday, October 10, 2010


of course this is the only life
we possess given by God
no one obtain special treat by Him
everybody look same
we differ from one another
due to distinction of expire date of soul to life
and absolutely we mere own some chances
apparent or blur motives and aims
through genuine revelation
that places us in journey
which too long or too short we need to walk to
by looking the path that we opt
between two or more roads
by seeking what are our actual means
to keep standing and breathing here
by pursuing thousand of dreams
where able or not to be attained
now..lets encounter to ourselves
ask your self
what do you have
what do you want and wish to
in such way
we will penetrate our life
and others life too
then we dare to address
this is life
this is my life
this is your life
this is our life

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

oh my beloved god!

i always be pessimist
many things in my journey life here
i thought them
as a test,challenge and obstacle to me
thus,i need a firm endurance
be optimist and broad-minded
but once i allocated in particular circumstance
typically i tend to alter my mind set
i always said
how could you (god) do all these to me..
how willing you my Lord..
and some others..
i felt sad,frustrated,lack of entusiasism
then my world begin so gloomy
i cried so much till i got sick
it was fully unbearable
and definitely i felt painful
i became speechless
i unable to describe them in such words
but what i can do is
raise up my two hands
encounter to the holy kiblah
with the empty soul and lethargic body
i talk to my beloved god which is Allah Taala
every single ache where they were pent up
deeply in my heart and mind
i speak out all of them
till nothing left at behind
implicitly or explicitly
i do saw my self apparent in sorely pitiful
i also sympatize with my own self
like unfortunate
but what i can do
i just His servant
the best thing to do is
hoping and praying for guidance
tranquil of my entire life
demand for His blessing towards
any matter or stuff
ya,of course He will listen to
no doubt at all
if i able to reach the optimum level of calmness
it is anequate for me
i gratify my Creator
because i do know something
life is hard but still
life is wonderful

tanyalah diri sendiri

selalu sangatlah kita melatah
terutama saat-saat genting
contoh yang paling sesuai
apabila diri dilanda masalah atau musibah
mulalah mulut kita gatal mempersoalkan
itu dan ini..kenapa dan kenapa
kenapa aku,kenapa tak orang lain
selalu juga kan kita cakap begitu
bukan selalu tapi setiap kali
sekarang ini cuba anda tujukan soalan kenapa
kapada diri sendiri
kenapa anda jadi begini
kenapa mulut anda terlalu mudah dan ringan untuk berkata-kata
namun sayangnya bukan lafaz puji-pujian tetapi
seolah-olah tidak mahu menerima kehendak Allah
menolak takdir-Nya
sedangkan kawan-kawan
siapalah kita ini mahu mempertikaikan kuasa besar milik-Nya
siapakah kita?
anda sedar tak siapa diri anda?
cuba tanya pada orang di sekeliling anda
siapakah anda sebenarnya..
atau lebih tepat lagi
tanyalah diri sendiri
jawapan yang anda akan peroleh
adalah berdasarkan kesedaran anda akan identiti anda di bumi Allah ini
setuju atau tidak?
jika anda tahu siapa anda,
maka terjawablah soalan itu
betul atau tidak?
alhamdulillah setakat ini
saya masih sedar
dan semua yang saya garapkan ini
adalah di atas kesedaran saya sendiri
anda perlu faham,perlu buka mata,hati dan minda
ketahuilah bahawa hidup ini bukan milik kita
keran yang amat pastinya kita adalah bukan siapa-siapa
cuma kita dimiliki oleh-Nya

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

acap kali menzahirkan rasa ketidakpuasan hati
akan ujian,dugaan dan rintangan
yang datang tanpa ku ketahui puncanya
apakah aku insan yang kuat
di bumi Allah ini
aku tidak kuat
malah,akulah ornag yang paling lemah
dan hina..
tetapi kenapa aku yang Engkau uji
kerana Allah adalah Tuhanku
Dia layak untuk mengujiku
aku pasrah
aku reda